Public Health Statement
Written by: Jennifer Neer Posted on: March 11, 2020 Blog: News
We Care Together.
You are the most important part of Mary Rigg and our priority is the safety of our clients, staff, volunteers, and community. We would never want to create a situation that you have concerns regarding your safety or health while visiting the center.
While we stand by our mission to provide help, hope, and opportunity to the community. We have had to make some difficult decisions regarding the center during this rapidly evolving situation that is the COVID-19 pandemic. Because this is a fluid situation, we are and will remain in contact with local, state, and government officials and taking advice on the best way we can continue to serve the community and maintain healthy practices without increasing the spread of the virus. Right now, we feel that keeping our clients, staff, volunteers, and community safe and eliminating as many possibilities of spreading this illness is best. In doing so, we have decided to implement the following changes effective immediately and through April 6, 2020.
- Food Bags distributed every Wednesday from 12:30 pm until supplies last on a walk-up and drive-through basis in the main parking lot. We will share other information and resources via food bags.
- Customer Service is available by phone, on the web, and Facebook. In-person customer service is suspended. Mary Rigg staff will contact you with help information and resources throughout the emergency.
- Youth program, adult education, vocational classes, and resource room are suspended during emergency.See or Facebook page for updated information.
Questions for Mary Rigg staff? With these changes, we know you will have questions and concerns and will do our best to address them. You are welcome to contact our main office (317-639-6106) and leave a voicemail. Our goal is to answer voicemails as quickly as possible but there will be some delays. We ask for your patience.
We also have staff regularly monitoring Facebook and ask again for your patience as we will respond, it may not be immediate.
We will be updating the website and Facebook page as more information becomes available.
For information on the COVID-19 virus and ways you can protect you and your family, please visit the CDCs website or Indiana Department of Health .
Nos importamos juntos.
Usted es la parte más importante de Mary Rigg y nuestra prioridad es la seguridad de nuestros clientes, personal, voluntarios y comunidad. Jamás crearíamos una situación en donde usted tenga inquietudes con respecto a su seguridad o salud durante su visita al centro.
Mientras mantenemos nuestra misión de proporcionar ayuda, esperanza y oportunidad a la comunidad. Hemos tenido que tomar algunas decisiones difíciles con respecto al centro durante esta situación en rápida evolución que es la pandemia COVID-19. Debido a que esta es una situación fluida, estamos y permaneceremos en contacto con funcionarios locales, estatales y gubernamentales y tomando consejos sobre la mejor manera en que podemos seguir sirviendo a la comunidad y mantener prácticas saludables sin aumentar la propagación del virus. En este momento, creemos que mantener a nuestros clientes, personal, voluntarios y comunidad a salvo y eliminar tantas posibilidades de propagación de esta enfermedad es mejor. Al hacerlo, hemos decidido implementar los siguientes cambios con efecto inmediato y hasta el 6 de abril de 2020.
- Bolsas de comida distribuidas todos los miércoles desde las 12:30 pm hasta que los suministros se agoten de manera ambulante en el estacionamiento principal. Compartiremos otra información y recursos a través de las bolsas de alimentos.
- El servicio de atención al cliente está disponible por teléfono, en la web y Facebook. El servicio de atención al cliente en persona está suspendido. El personal de Mary Rigg Se pondrá en contacto con usted con información de recursos y ayuda durante toda la emergencia.
- El programa juvenil, la educación de adultos, las clases vocacionales y la sala de recursos se suspenden durante la emergencia. Consulte o página de Facebook para obtener información actualizada.
¿Preguntas para el personal de Mary Rigg? Con estos cambios, sabemos que tendrá preguntas e inquietudes y haremos todo lo posible para abordarlos. Le invitamos a ponerse en contacto con nuestra oficina principal (317-639-6106) y dejar un correo de voz. Nuestro objetivo es responder a los mensajes de voz lo más rápido posible, pero habrá algunos retrasos. Pedimos su paciencia.
También tenemos personal que monitorea regularmente Facebook y pedimos de nuevo su paciencia mientras que respondemos, puede que no sea inmediato.
Vamos a actualizar el sitio web y la página de Facebook a medida que haya más información disponible.
Para obtener información sobre el virus COVID-19 y las formas en que puede protegerse a usted y a su familia, visite el sitio web de los CDC o el Departamento de Salud de Indiana .
March 13, 2020
Mary Rigg continues to monitor the current public health situation closely for the health and safety of our clients, staff, volunteers, and community.
If you or a family member is sick, please stay home and take care of your family’s health.
As someone who attends Mary Rigg, if you or a family member is sick and are notified that you have a confirmed case of COVID-19, please share that information immediately with Mary Rigg.
If we are notified of any confirmed cases related to our building, we will work with Department of Health to assess risk for others and determine if it will impact our operations.
As situations may change quickly, we plan to share information as it relates to Mary Rigg Neighborhood Center on our website, social media platforms, and through other communication.
In an effort to help prevent the spread of respiratory diseases like COVID-19, the CDC has released the following guidelines:
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces
- Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
For additional information: